All dogs
CPR dogs
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GMPR dogs
1.5xGMPR dogs
2xGMPR dogs
2.5xGMPR dogs
3xGMPR dogs
3.5xGMPR dogs
4xGMPR dogs
Triple Crown
1.5xGMPR Dog List
FPL's Ryder's Lord of Kodiak
Indie Bartlett Of Pleasantnook
Feather Point's Fowl Ouiser
Give 'Em The Heat Nuke
Riverswild Retrievers Holly
Skyriver’s Kenai She-Devil
Dixon's Ring of Fire
Rocky Points TakeEm 2 The Station
Hanks Ready to Rip
Farbers Rock N Juels Gemma
Rolling 6's High Flyin Wingman
AsYouWish Rockstars Blazing Oak
Little Sky the Huntress
Risky Girl Raidin' The Roost
Fatcitys Youve Got Me On My Knees
Fatcity's Dealt From a High Grade Deck
Dynamic's Son of a Brandi
Monty Montana Roseberry
CZ's That's a Fact Jax
Jesse James Gun Shops Hard Rock Life
Showing 1-20 of 81
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