Krautkramer Brandi

Call name: Brandy

Owner: Sharon Krautkramer

Breeder: Lyle Schute

AKC #: SS41727304

UKC #: R338309

Date of birth: June 8, 2023

Gender: Female

Color: Yellow

Dam: Cornstalkers Peacemaker Shiloh

Sire: High Calibers Atta Boy Crew

Hunt Test Record


Date Hunt Test Stake Handler Result
June 9, 2024 Robert and Vicky Huber Property (SD) Certification Dale Swiderski Pass
June 8, 2024 Robert and Vicky Huber Property (SD) Certification Dale Swiderski Pass

Health Clearances

Paw Prints Pedigrees

Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
